According to the Thai calendar, Thais entered the new millennium long ago. The year 2000 in the Thai calendar is year 2543 (some 543 years ahead of the Gregorian calendar). The nickname "Land of Smiles" has been associated with this ancient Oriental kingdom for centuries. The Siamese people, known nowadays as Thais, have been shaped by a compelling history full of mystery and controversy. Through the ages, they've learned to confront and overcome adversity, troubles, and hardships with a resilient smile on their faces.
Origins of the Thai KingdomThe origins of the Thai kingdom can be traced back to 1096 A.D. when a fledgling kingdom at Payao in northern Thailand was established. The Lanna Kingdom, also remembered as "A Million Rice Fields," with Chiang Mai as its capital, was founded by the tribal leader Mengrai (also called Mangrai). The Sukhothai Kingdom, under King Ramkhamhaeng, who is credited with inventing the Thai writing system, is another significant ancestor of the Thai nation and its cultural heritage. Till now, they stand strong as a citadel of traditional Thai ways. Visit our detailed guide on Thai Marriage traditions and rituals for some leads. Chronological Retrospect of Key Events in Thailand's Modern History and Politics.

 Information and Visa Application Inquiries Ayutthaya and BeyondIn the 14th century, under King Ramathibodi, the kingdom's capital was founded in Ayutthaya. This period, spanning four centuries, was marked by the establishment of solid traditions in fine arts and literature, but also by neglecting defenses. In 1569, Ayutthaya fell to the Burmese, and in 1767, it was burned to the ground.
Under the leadership of General Phya Taksin, the Burmese invaders were defeated, and later on the capital of Siam was reinstated at Thonburi on the west bank of Chao Phraya River, near the Gulf of Siam. In 1782, Taksin's successor, King Rama I founded the new capital on the opposite river bank at a small trading village called Krung Thep, now known as Bangkok – the City of Angels.
Thailand's Independence and Modern Era Unlike its neighbors, the kingdom of Siam never experienced direct European colonialism. As early as the 17th century, through wise diplomacy, Siam's kings maintained independence while Europeans (Portuguese, French, British, Dutch, and others) colonized the entire region over the next hundred years.
A bloodless coup in 1932, transformed Siam's mighty absolute monarchy into a constitutional one, initiating the so-called 'Constitutional Era'. And later in 1939, the kingdom officially adopted the name Thailand, meaning "The Land of The Free".
HM The King Bhumibol Adulyadej - Rama IX 60 Years on The Throne Anniversary Celebrations! The Chakri Dynasty and Modern Thailand The current Thai monarchy is inherited from the Chakri dynasty, founded by King Rama I, and continues to this day. The longest reigning monarch, H.M. King Bhumibol ascended to the throne in 1946.
After the liberation from Japanese occupation during World War II, the Kingdom of Thailand weathered a dark period of unstable governments with rapidly changing prime ministers. Several border clashes with neighboring communist and military regimes, numerous attempts of putsches, bloody anti-government demonstrations, and violent coups went on along the way to become a stable democracy and an economically prosperous nation.
Thailand's Contemporary Challenges In the '80s, Thailand emerged as one of Asia's leading 'Tiger Economies', even though the kingdom's economy for ages has been solely based on agriculture. A collapse of these economies preamble by the rampant devaluation of their currencies originated in Thailand in the summer of 1997, primarily due to a renowned "Orient Syndrome" à±¼ greed and corruption that comes from deep within and sweeps all levels of the political system, government, army, and society as well.
Even though the kingdom's first permanent commonly called "People's Constitution" was promulgated on 11 October 1997, politically, economically, and socially alike, Thailand is still in transition. Core democratic values and human rights remain a novel and somewhat deluded concept for the majority of Thais, primarily in rural areas, who are more used to a patriarchal social structure of patronage (known as Sakdina), where money, cronyism, influence, and connections will always reign supreme. For insights into traditional Thai society, learn about Sakdina – Ancient Siamese Social Hierarchy Structure.
By hook or by crook, be it the infamous Asian bureaucracy in a day-to-day routine or the military power in moments of crisis, both are so far overcoming the weak roots of Thai democracy. And regardless of just a constitutional monarchy, as far as the Thai public is concerned, the authority of the much beloved King Bhumibol remained absolute, contributing a great deal to national unity and stability.
For practical information on Thailand and the Thai people, refer to:- Overview – Thailand General Information (plus a chronology of Thai charters and constitutions)
- HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej 60 Years on The Throne Anniversary
- Thai Culture and Traditions (including Thai food culture and table manners)
- Buddhist Religion and Thai Society (also, info on spirit houses and Thai boxing)
- Thai Marriage, Traditional Wedding Ceremonies, Rituals, and much more
- Core Events in Thailand's Modern History and Politics (and info on Sakdina)
- Exotic Tropical Fruit (when, where, how, and what Thailand has to offer)
- Hot Spots - Shopping, Dining, and Entertainment in Thailand
- Meet Thai Ladies (Introduction to the better half of Thai society)
- Nightlife, Tough Ladies, and More... (To be able to behave with finesse in delicate situations and to get a picture of the allure and wonders that make Thai nightlife so irresistibly attractive for visitors the world over, it is essential to know those issues.)
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